We are in proud partners with LINKAM for all our temperature-controlled microscopy stages. LINKAM provides an extensive products catered for the varying ranges of temperatures. Inquire with your specifications for further advice.
Temperature Controlled Stages
LINKAM provides microscopy stages with extremely high stability & accuracy all while having catering to temperature of different ranges. The microscopy stages are also highly compatible with multiple types of microscope systems. (e.g.upright & inverted)
LINKAM is constantly improving; providing a lot of their microscopy stages with multiple variations for specific applications (e.g. geological systems). Multiple technology and techniques are also used for different applications and studies (e.g. ceramics, metallurgy)
Below 0°C < -195°C to 600°C THMS600 Series (Most commonly used) DSC600 (Single Cell System) CAP500 (Capillary Pressure System) MDS600 ( Motorized XY System) FTIR600 (Infrared System) < -195°C to 420°C LTS420 (Optimised Isothermal Sample Analysis) < -195°C to 350°C THMS350V Series (Vacuum systems) MFS350 Series (Modular Force system) HSFX350 Series ( For X-ray Applications) -50°C to 450°C CSS450 (Optical Rheology System) < -195°C to 120°C FDCS196 (Freeze Drying System) BCS196 (CryoBiology) -40°C to 120°C LTS120 Series (Thermoelectric Cooling Systems) -20°C to 120°C Peltier Systems -150°C to 450°C DSC450 (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) Ambient Stages Ambient to 1000-1500°C TS Series (High Temperature Heating) CCR1000 (Temperature and environmental control) Liquid Nitrogen Temperature CMS196 (Cryo-Correlative Microscopy) |
Supporting Components
Microscopes have their own constraints and may not best compliment with different microscopy stages (e.g. standardised microscopy frame). With feedback from loyal customers, rich knowledge & experiences in the industry, the imaging system is made to fit perfectly with temperature microscopy stages. The camera mounts directly above the objective lens and hence no light is lost passing through secondary lenses and reflectors. There are no unnecessary slots for adapters and filters. There is a polarizer and analyser and a slot in the long working distance condenser for a phase ring. Transmitted light is provided by a specially designed LED array to give uniform constant illumination. The light intensity is controlled through LINK. |
The humidity controller is the latest instrument to added to the LINKAM collection. The humidity controller quickly controls humidity inside a microscopy stage or any other sealed chamber up to a volume of 2000cc from 5 to 90%. It is currently available for selected models. Please contact us for further details.
The LINKAM cooling systems provide rapid and accurate cooling for the active microscopy stage. The cooling system consists of the control unit housing the pumps and a 2 Litre Dewar. Other requirements for storage dewars (i.e. larger capacity or different medium) are also available.
The System Controller is a universal controller supporting all the standard microscopy stages, providing complete control of the system.
Another microscope stage (XY linear stage) is also available.
Related Instruments
*Pictures shown above are for reference only. Actual product may differ slightly.
**Some products may not be available in all countries. Please contact us for further information and clarification. |
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